Thursday 9 June 2011

Oh. Sorry to bug you again. Someone asked if I take a pet.  You mean with me to the park? Well, yes I do, it is a dog park I go to.  However the one with the big hill that I used to climb isn't an off leash park and the 'Park Nazi' caught me and gave the 'What-For'- so, now I go to the park that's 'off-leash',  no hills, but I do lunges and leg work outs more to compensate.

And what does it mean if a person 'galvanizes'? Forgive my ignorance but 'galvanize' to me is a type of metal, that we used in 'Shop' class in school, the bucket I fed the pigs/chickens with, a bucket you picture for catching the milk milking a cow...I dunno, I've never heard it as a verb/action/mood/state of mind, please clarify.

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