Monday, 11 April 2011

I have NO energy today.  I did go get some paper work signed at the Dr.'s (hour drive each way), to it in the the tax place, took the dog out to the park, checked out a nutrition place here in town (very cool)
!), picked up the the 'bear (my daughter), got some wine, did some laundry, mixed up the meat for making hamburger, stopped in to see my girlfriend at work,...wait-no wonder I'm tired!  I haven't worked out but my legs are feeling like I have.  Tomorrow I do my volunteer work in the morning (it IS hard work!), so I definately won't be working out tomorrow.

I have to get down there and do some. One thing, I have been drinking alot of water, as I'm going about my day, so I should be fine.  My head wants to work out, my body is revolting.  I have to win!  I don't know if I will.  I'll try, I'll let you know tomorrow.

Actually, I'm going right now! Work with me!!!  Together we'll be hotties by summer! We just have to get down there and do a bit...let's go!

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