Monday, 30 May 2011

I'm a cleaning crazy fool!  MY MOM IS COMING IN 2 DAYS!!!

No that's not a bad thing, I LOVE my Mom!  But 'running' around cleaning and doing laundry like a mad woman, and then grocery shopping - I am one little pooped out puppy!

On a brighter note, I had a good workout today - I'm really focussing on my legs' toning.  I mad a 'little' mistake and showed my hubby a new ab workout.  He's going to 'try' and win this competition.  Little does he know that I can wipe his little butt whenever I want to in the abs department!
He emailed me a pic of his abs...pretty good!  I've got a string bikini that is begging...for what I don't know

I only did 30 reps of plie squats today, I was just too tired, so I did a whole smack of lunges/quad toning.  Then I switched back and forth with upside down abs/legs, and pulls with extended back.

Also, I get regular emails from Men's Health (I know, but I'm a girl!) and they were talking about wys to tone up the abs, so I did a raised plank off the bench.  They suggested 'walking' with your hands while up in the plank, but, I'm not stupid, I value my face at this point.  I'll work my way up.

Hey!!! THERE'S a good way to do the plank!  None of this having to 'lay' on the tops of my feet. Up the ante and raise your legs to do the plank (yes it was hard)

Must fly, and do dinner for the fam...

l8r g8r  B hlthy

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Y'know, I've had a few comments about how encouraging my blog is, and sometimes I see it, of course there are days that when I read it back I'm thinking 'What a downer!'

Well I have my off days too.
A) I'm a woman so...'nuf said!
B) I'm a mom so again, 'nuf said
C) I'm human,
D) I'm a woman, wait I said that, well it still stands! Sometimes the hormones/emotions get mixed up with who they are - how am I supposed to keep track?? And who am I - today?

K. Now I'm just sounding like an absolute NUT!

I think back to the days when I was in a wheelchair... it seems like a 'not real' time.  How different my life was just because of that.  What does hurt, is I see how some friends 'left' at that time, and it just shows me how surface, fickle, and un-genuine people can be.  That hurts.

BUT, when I think of those days, I also come around to the whole time of getting out of the chair.  The most satisfying thing was when I went back to the MS Clinic for my 8 month check up after chemo (YUK! you can't write that word without a big YUK!) when the student neurologist did the regular tests, then my Dr. comes in and studies her results.  As if she figured the tests were done wrong, she does them again herself.  When she did the 'foot lift', and pushed down on my feet to test the strength/resistance, she couldn't move them, and exclaimed 'OMG Robyn! That's what I'm talkin about! Now...tell me nutrition is a bunch of bunk!  I know it doesn't cure ALL and I will still go to a regular Dr. if I have an infection or something, but now I know I can keep myself up to snuff.
The Neuro also said that because (at the time) I was nearing my 40's, and the immune system settles a bit so I should have 'kicked' the worst of it.

Driving home from UBC I must have looked like someone died, I could hardly drive I was bawling so hard! For quite awhile after that visit I would still bawl out of the blue when I thought about that.

I worked SO HARD on this - it took almost 10 yrs but I'm up standing on my feet, fine I don't 'run' but I can go to the grocery store without worrying
a) that someone might see me, I was/is stupidly proud,
b) that I can actually just browse and not worry that I won't make it
c) I can actually push a grocery cart! Not have to have someone do it for me

When I think of what I have and can do, not what I've lost and can't do - even I am encouraged!

So I can't run a marathon, or even a mile for that matter - so what, do I really want to anyway?  Plus studies have now shown that marathon running isn't good for your heart anyway, it's a muscle and that's one we don't need or want to build!  It works enough!

I just want everyone/anyone who has MS to concentrate of 'haves' in life, not the 'don't haves'

B Hlthy - the BIGGEST/BEST thing you can do for yourself!

l8r g8r

Friday, 27 May 2011

Ahh Friday!

Being an 'at home Mom' in some ways you'd think it wouldn't make difference but it does.
I've tried 3 times to type how it makes a difference, I still come out sounding like a whiny suck no matter how I put it, so I'll just save you the complete boredom. It's different.

I think I'm noticing more energy with the upped B12.  I'm definately noticing the results.

The deep plie squats target the high back of thigh fat whiles toning inner and top quads, raising your legs behind you on the Total Gym lifts your butt and tones your lower back.  Doing the 'chin-up' backwards and forwards tones shoulders, biceps, and triceps on both moves.  The reverse pull/sit-up tones up the abs from pelvis to chest.  Full body work out - I love it! The only thing the gym doesn't do for me, and maybe I just need to be shown or told, is that plie squat move.  I use 25lb dumbells so I haven't figured out how to incorporate that.  And really, why, I've got the weights and the space so... You switch machines at the gym, so why not here?  I feel like I'm cheating on my Gym!

Wow. How sad.

On another note, while I've been doing the stepper I've noticed that my right leg doesn't buckle as much, but of course I see this and get excited so I immediately go to the squats.  Then it 'started' to buckle.  I still got my 20 reps in though!

I saw some results and tasted the 'gold', I'm like that in that I will go for more after just a taste!  I think that's a good trait don't you? Hee, hee.

l8r g8r B Hlthy

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Man today's good day!

I did something I swore I'd never do cuz it grossed me out.  I put a RAW egg in my smoothie (cocoa, nuts, seeds, frozen banana, and milk).  Well I'm obviously not dead (yet) and you hear all the time about guys pounding back raw eggs for protein.  Why did I do it?  I dunno.  My neighbor told me about where she gets her eggs - from a farm, so they're fresh, and they're big, double yolk guys!  I had one for brekky today and when I made my smoothie I thought of them the math!

So let's see if I get even more energy/muscles!  Remember I did up my B12 so ... lookout!

So workout today was good-focused more on my legs doing 'lunges' on the Gym and deep plie squats, and stairs.  I had ZZTop blasting in the basement, it was good.  Only problem was that I'd get caught up in the song and lose count so I really don't know how many I did.  I just DID!

When I went to the gym at my apt I used to lay on my tum on the leg machine, hook my feet and do sort of a backwards sit up.  My back was pretty good, hby was always impressed, but NOW on the Gym I do essentially a chin-up with legs lifted behind me and my back is amazing!

I LOVE an exercise that works so many muscle groups with one move!  The only thing is that I feel like I'm cheating when after I do one move I have to think about what didn't get worked.

Now, I extend it a bit!  After I do 'The Move' for my back, I flip and do essentially 'The Move' for my front.  I lay on my back and do chin/pull up and lift/curl my legs so I get full range abs/arms/shoulders.

Yeah I'm sometimes a little freakish!  BUT I see the results and I'm quite happy with them!

I've looked at modelling (after a friend saw a bikini shot and was ... impressed!)  You see 'Stars with out makeup' and I think I'm pretty good! So why not? You don't know till you try, life can be too short so don't waste time!!

Have a workout!  It'll 'lift your world off your shoulders'!

l8r g8r B Hlthy!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Hey HEY!

I worked out hard yesterday, lotsa reps and highest incline/weight I could do, and today my muscles are complaining - not screaming - just wining, big suck!  So I vacuumed and washed the floors, which is workout in itself!

Remember I had the 'issue' with booking my Mom's flight?  Well on a whim this morning, I checked the flights again, and there were some more seat sales!  Long story short, we got it booked!  My failure feeling is now just a feeling, was it karma? Hmm cue the soundtrack for whatever that movie was.

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good today, just a bit tired and sore.

Keeping up with doing my supplements at noon, except for the few times I forget, but that seems to be working.
On a HUGE note, WebMD posted yesterday on Twitter that tests have now shown that there is a link to MS from having a Vitamin D deficiency, and I think I said that in a previous post but that is SO exciting!  Even though I do believe in the supplementing, there's always the possibility in the back of my mind that it's not true.  Like I said I DO pass anything new or different I'm planning/thinking by my Dr. who tells me what he thinks, so I know I won't be hurting myself in any way.

I did up my dosage of oral Vit B12. Seeing as I haven't injected for a couple weeks past when I should have, I'll up the oral dose and see if that makes a difference in my energy level. We'll see, I'll keep ya posted.

My new 'fave' for a healthy protein shake is
1 frozen banana cut in chunks
1 heaping tsp cocoa
1 handful (about 1/3c) trailmix(unsalted)
1 scoop chia seeds
about 1/2c skim milk

I buzz this in my little blender/processor, till it's the consistency of ice cream.  

I feel like it's bad but it's not!
The frozen banana gives it the sweetness, the nuts and milk give it protein, the raisins give it carbs.
You need carbs for your body to metabolize the protein, and the cocoa is an antioxidant without the sugar.  Sugar is my enemy!!  I love it but...

That being said I did fall last night and had a small dish of ice cream. I confess. I'm weak.
So sue me!

l8r g8r  B Hlthy! 

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Ok. I feel like failure.  I booked a flight online for my Mom, was so excited about her coming, had the flight numbers and times, but I obviously did something wrong, and it didn't book. I've done it before, what happened?  Wow. Some days I feel like a waste of skin cells and freckles.  I wish I could do something well, and useful.

Today started out in the wrong.  I guess if you take a step back it CAN be humorous, but if I step back, I'll turn and run.  Hey I have an MRI tonight at 8pm, maybe I should just keep going.... It's 2 hrs away, the MRI is about 1/2hr, then another 2hr drive home - lovely.  What a waste of time, gas, and makeup.

First I woke up and my body was a dishrag-great.  Gotta love MS!  BUT THEN!!!! Hby poached a couple eggs for us, I wanted to mix mine with a tuna mix I had, so I had the eggs in a bowl, put the tuna on top with chilli paste, and put it in the mic. for a minute.  Took it out, was stirring it to even the heat, and BANG!! it exploded ALL over the kitchen!  On the ceiling, on and under the cupboards, on the floor, counters, everywhere!  AND in my face.  I'm amazed I didn't get any in my eyes, but there I was with puke looking mush all over my face, hair, and jammies. GROSS!!! Good Morning. Ahh they say egg is good for your hair/skin right?  Ok let's see.

So given this lovely start - no workout today. Plus you're supposed to take a day off in between right? Pfft! I'll just have a 'cleansing' day with water!

Maybe I'll go down an just do a bit of maintenance, that'll make me feel a bit better...yeah...that.  I was asked a bit ago how I maintain my awesome body...well that's just it...maintain!  I'll go hard on Tuesday, (or tomorrow)

Just a quick full body light on the Gym.  Won't break a sweat (which is hard for me to do anyway!)

l8r gtr  B Hlthy!

Friday, 20 May 2011

It's been a while, I admit, I gave up for a bit. :<. Got nothing more to say about that.

NOW!!! Hby upped the level of the board on the Total Gym to the highest point. (I thought it was before, but, oops there was one more)  Now to do the abs and arms is HARD!

New exercise move I have incorporated/discovered:

Lay on the incline board on your tummy.

Grasp the handle bars(which I keep at the top)
palms up to do a chin-up.

Slightly bend and lift your legs behind you to incorporate butt, back, hams.

Now pull into a chin-up while keeping legs up.

Move arms to different points, and palms down, to incorporate all the muscles in the arms, shoulders, traps, back.

I can only do 5 at a time so far.

Now for legs, I do a 'lunge' by tucking on leg up on the bench, and with the other, do lunges.  Place bottom foot in the centre of the bottom behind the bar to secure it from sliding out.  This takes care of the 'balance issue' as I am leaning/sitting on the board.  If you're sitting perpendicular to the ground, you'll work more higher quads(toward hips) and glutes, if you lay back on the board, you'll work more lower quads(toward the knees)

I do these as well as the deep plie squats w/ 2, 25lb dumbells.  2 sets of 20.  Again, slightly bend forward to incorporate the back.

I always try to find/do exercises that incorporate as many muscles or muscle groups at a time because working one will work another thus killing as many birds as you can with one stone.

Don't forget the plank (which I modified) coupled with push-ups. (I can now alternate between actual plank and modified version-tops of feet and on toes)

BUT we've been having gorgeous warm weather lately so I've been spending more time in my bikini.  Hby came home from work and the first thing he said when he saw me was 'Hey, you've been working out!'

There it is!!!  That's what we do it for right?!

As for my supplement time, I'm going to have to move it up to noon because I keep forgetting at supper. Lunch is usually just home by myself in between loads of laundry and housework.

I've been getting regular email newsletters from various health/nutrition sites, and one of them is Dr. Mercola.  The other day one came through about removing sugar from your diet.  I did this years ago but lately have been a 'bad girl' so I will try again.  That is the toughest for me 'cuz I'm soooo sweet!'. NOT! 'Cuz I'm so weak' is more like it!  That IS my weakness.

I made biscotti the other day for my neighbor who is going in for surgery, and even though I did eat the 'ends' (I always do! :<) I gave the rest to my other neighbor who loves them.  So I was a good girl there.
I don't need to have simple carbs/sugar sitting there.

The majority of our brains are made of protein, as well as the myelin sheath around our nerves so upping  my protein, as well as my Vit D is another defense against MS.  Sugar is my enemy as it wreaks havoc on my immune system(the whole MS disease).

Figures - that which you love the most is worst for you! Ahhh so here is my never-ending battle!

Good to be back,

l8r g8r - B hlthy

Friday, 6 May 2011

Ok, I did Nachos for Cinqo do Mayo, even made guac!  I use the dehydrated sliced stuff cuz it works awesome if you just pour a bit of boiling water over the crushed up flakes.  Why chop?  I am THE laziest 'chef-ette' in the universe! I used to buy the bag of bazillion garlic bulbs (I love garlic, and it's good for you!), but then I discovered this so...why? I do like to cook/bake, but I can NEVER follow a recipie, so when Hby says 'Mmm, that was good! Make it again!' can do! And I don't bake alot because, well, I'll eat it, and somehow it changes form from the time I put it in my mouth to the 'end of the road' on my tuccus and thighs!  Hmph! Go figure!

I ate the leftove guac for lunch today and I'm totally tasting garlic now!  It is, after all raw,(which is better for you), but after you cook it, it does soften out and won't comes out your pores!  Ah well, the computer seems to be fine with me breathing down its 'neck', so whatever!

So Mother's Day will be just me and the 'Bear.  The weather is apparently going to be gross (as usual it seems), so we'll probably do a movie, and maybe lunch somewhere, I dunno.

I gotta tone down on my upper bod work outs - maybe too much?! I have to concentrate that energy elsewhere to keep the balance, the good thing is that it's doing amazing things for my pecs/chest! (HappyHappyJoyJoy!)

Otherwise feeling good!

l8r g8r  b hlthy!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Today I'm feeling GOOD!!!

Did my deep squats w/50lbs - 2 sets of 20
Biceps, Lats, Pecs
Abs w/leg pull ups - I got up to 10 today! My limit was 5  YEAH!!!

Then, while my muscles were pumped I took some pics w/ my phone and emailed them to my Hby.  That of course sparked a 'Game on' as we're both competitive people.  The funny part is that he's been working on his abs for months (and is definately doing well), but my abs have always been thin SO... I'm gonna win this one.  But if he ever challenges me to legs/but, I'm gonna have to admit defeat right off the hop.  Male/Female thing, and given that my butt/thighs are my trouble spots (like most girls), I should maybe start working on them hard BEFORE the competition.  Hmmm maybe he won't say anything-I know I won't!!

On a Totally different subject - Mother's Day is this weekend.  I'm a good girl and sent my Mom her thing almost 2-3 weeks ago. No I'm not an over-achieving daughter ... I got the dates Mixed up.  My hubby's grandkid's birthday party is being held this weekend.  My husband is the MOST kind, considerate, caring, thoughtful, unselfish man.  HOW I ask you did he have two of the MOST inconsiderate, selfish, thoughtless, inconsiderate kids?!

I was upset about it at first (I guess I still am), but I started thinking that this day is for me and my daughter.  I have a blended family.  He and I never had kids together.  He owes me nothing.  I get that his grandkids are huge for him, when it comes time and I have them mine will be big for me too.  So, I'm thinking that this day will have to be spent apart doing our own things.  My daughter comes first in my life, and I WILL NOT let anything come between that! (GROWL! Mother Bear said!!)

 I owe that to her because she always has to play 2nd fiddle to 'the younger kids'.  Well no.  It's time my daughter is recognized for all that she does and gives up.

Wait a's MY day....well if it's my day then I can play it how I want it!  Pfft!!!!

l8r gtr   B Hlthy!!!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

It's been a bit, but I'm good.  MS was playing its games (yeah good 'game'!) but I'm fine.  I even did the hill 4x!  Then I came home and did some upper body and abs on the Gym.  That thing is AMAZING for that!  What has done best for my shoulders was rowing.  The cool thing is that you can change your muscle focus by just pulling a bit different.  Row for your lats, pull with your biceps for curls, pull out for more traps.  THEN hook your feet in the bars, and do the crunches while pulling with your legs.  My limit for those is only 5 BUT I will get better - hopefully!

Going heavy on protein has been good - I feel good, it seems to be helping develop muscles, and I think it helps to feed your body so the MS thing is 'caught' quicker and 'dealt with'.  I don't know.

Woo Hoo!  I get a 'date' with my girlfriend today.  Man, having a job really gets in the way of socializing!  Tee Hee, yeah I know, so why do I look?  Because there's always hope... yeah whatever.

Gotta make myself 'beautiful'!  hee hee!

l8tr gtr  B hlthy